You might be wondering what to respond when a client says you’re too expensive. Well, you’re in the right place!
In the service industry, including all the beauty-related fields of activities, it’s never easy to face the criticism your clients dump on you. But perhaps the worst situation that can occur is when your customer gives you the objection that your services are too expensive. Of course, you might be wondering. What should I respond when a client says I’m too expensive?

‘I know people who charge less.’
‘Can’t you do something about the price?’
‘There are people who actually can afford that?!’
Yeah, these are the words that no beauty pro would love to hear and the ones that are difficult to respond to. Setting your prices is one of the most important details as what concerns the success of your business, so you’ve probably taken the time to think everything through carefully and adjust your prices to the real value of the services. If people question your costs, they are basically questioning your skills and expertise, which can seriously challenge your self-confidence and make you doubt yourself and your value. It can even make you consider lowering prices! Don’t do such a thing until you’ve read our article. We’re about to give you a few tips on how to respond to the ‘too expensive’ objection.
1. Try to Start a Conversation
Let’s look at the first tip on how to respond when a client says you’re too expensive. When potential clients bring up your high prices, it is clear that they are interested in your services, but not convinced just yet. That’s when you can try to engage in a non-aggressive dialogue. Ask them a few simple questions to figure out what they were really looking for, listen carefully to their problems and concerns about the service or product they’re doubtful to purchase.
It’s possible that the pricing has nothing to do with your clients’ hesitancy. Complaining about costs can simply mean that they’re just not able to commit themselves to a particular course of action, and they found an easy excuse for not wanting to buy.
Whatever the case, all you have to do is figure out whether the client is really interested in your service or just looking for a way out.
2. Explain the Price
There’s no need to deny that you’re expensive. On the contrary: use it as a shield so people can see that such comments can’t intimidate you that easily.
It is a good tactic to explain to the client the real value of your service: how much time and effort it takes to achieve good results. You might mention your expertise and knowledge in your field and how it’s taken you years of dedication and hard work to develop the best treatments and techniques to offer.
So yeah, you’re expensive, but if you can protect your own value, dissatisfied clients will accept your price tag more easily.
3. Concentrate on the Return on Investment
The term return on investment (ROI) means the values/benefits of a particular service that you offer in exchange for your client’s money. Most of the time, they can’t even assess your services’ long-term results and advantages. That’s why you need to make them understand what you’re about to help them achieve.
Assure your clients that you can help them with their problems. Make it clear that if they came to you with a specific issue or wish, they supposedly wanted the best solution, which you can give to them for a specific price. Point out how much time and money you would save them if you helped them with their problem.
If they remain uncertain, you can show them results and share testimonials from past clients to demonstrate the value of your pricing.
4. Ask About their Budget
Naturally, there will be clients who genuinely can’t afford you. In situations like these, you can politely ask what budget they have in mind, and if the answer seems reasonable, you can decide on offering them a reduced solution to match their lower budget. Remember, stay firm on your price: you can’t compromise the value you’re delivering for the sake of a handful of clients.
5. Recognize your Ideal Client
No matter how much experience, skill, and knowledge you have, you’ll never be able to please everyone. Thus, you shouldn’t even try. Not everyone will be the right customer for you, and you have to accept that. So every time you come across the ‘too expensive’ objection, ask yourself: ‘Is this my ideal customer?’ If the answer is no, recommend another specialist to them and let them go without regrets. On the other hand, if the answer is yes, try to find optimal solutions for everyone. Also try to motivate the client to return to you when their situation has changed.
It’s not easy to react fittingly when you’re labeled as overpriced, but now you see that not everything is bad. This objection is a customer’s way of telling you that they’re not entirely committed to resorting to your services. You can easily overcome this if you respond in the right way. We hope you’ll find these tips on what to respond when a client says you’re too expensive helpful.